Thursday, February 10, 2011

I’m in the process of giving up eggs.  It's hard....Eggs seem to be in everything.... I love egg salad sandwiches though.
This is a concoction I came up with using different recipes and experimenting …

 Missing Egg Salad Sandwich Spread

Take one 1 pkg of firm tofu…the pkgs you see with the fake meat products in the produce section of the grocery store….and crumble into small chunks…Throw  tofu into a  pan and fry using a bit of oil…Mix in  ½ tsp of cumin, ½ tsp of turmeric, ¼ tsp garlic powder and salt and pepper to taste…Stir fry tofu until crispy-ish…You may have to scrape bottom of pan often…(these scrapings are delicious and add crunch) ..

Remove from heat, cool a bit then mix in 2-3 Tablespoons of vegan mayonnaise and Voila! You have a very tasty sandwich filling!
When I add the mayo, I toss in finely diced celery, chopped green onion and diced tomatoes…
You can experiment too and create you own delishy-ness…!!!!

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