Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Last night, to celebrate Valentines Day, Meatless Monday and Veguary, I hosted a Vegan meal and invited a few of my carnivore friends...Kudos to the ones who showed up! Brave souls they were...not because they  they were game to try a meatless meal but they were also game to eat  my cooking..LOL!!
The meal turned out well both food-wise and fun-wise..I'm blessed and honoured to have such warm, wonderful people as friends and bonus...they all happen to be interesting people to boot!

The menu for last night included:
Nachos with homemade guacamole and salsa

Mexican Tortilla Bake
Fruit Salad

Vegan Brownies with Vegan Ice cream

Remember there no meat, cheese, eggs or milk in any of these dishes! Very easy, very homey, very casual and very relaxing...a perfect meal!
Recipes are below..Enjoy!

Vegan Ice Cream

2 ½ cups of blueberries

1 ½ cups of filtered cold water or coconut milk (coconut milk gives it a richer taste but has less of a colour punch)

½ cup agave nectar or maple syrup

2 Tbsps liquid non hydrogenated coconut milk

1.   Combine 1 ½ cups of coconut milk or water with 1 cup of blueberries and sweetener in a food processor or blender. Process for 1 minute. While machine is running, pour in the coconut milk and coconut oil in a steady stream.

2.   Cool mixture in freezer for 30 minutes before pouring into ice cream maker. Process as per your ice cream maker’s directions. Freeze until firm, about 3-6 hours.

Makes 5 1/2 cups

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mom! I thought I would link you to this Ellen DeGeneres interview with the Eating Animals guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYZ7IlWo3BM
